We have you covered.



Keep your paint chip free...
Paint protection film, also called clear bra, is an invisible film that is normally placed on the leading edge of your hood and front bumper to protect your car's finish from rock chips. This film is also commonly added to your mirrors or just behind each wheel to again protect the finish from rocks and road debris. While less common it is not unheard of the cover the whole vehicle with this film to ensure no damage occurs to the finish from rock, debris, doors, clothing.
Keeping you cool...
Window tint is a nice touch to any vehicle. It helps impove the look by adding a less transparent look to your windows and helps aids in privacy. However, the biggest benefit of Window TInt is it can help keep the interior of your car cooler. Tint helps block the sunlight and UV rays from entering your car. While it won't eliminate all heat build-up it will greatly reduce sun damage to your dashboard and touch screens that can occur over time.
Add a touch or color...
With vinyl, you can add a touch of color to your car. It could be by way of a stripe or custom design. It could be having a panel covered with special artwork. It could be having your company logo displayed. It can even be a color change if you want something new. Plus the nice thing about vinyl in most cases it can be removed when your ideas change, your lease is up or you sell the car.

Make your car stand out. Work with our professionals to add cosmetic improvements to your car, truck, van or motorcycle. We are able to install body kits, electronics, lighting, custom interior, the possibilities are endless. Come to us with an idea or let us design something for you.
Classic has been working with vehicles in the Birmingham area for 40+ years and devolved relationships with some of the best places and people for extracting the last bit of performance from your vehicle.